Breaking News. Police warn against wanton New Year Prophecies
The Ghana Police Service is serving notice it will go after and prosecute any religious leader who will prophesy harm, danger and death of any individual or group without proof of the prophecy being true.
The same fate also awaits all who publish such information or share same via electronic means, especially where the said communication has the potential to cause fear and alarm to the public or endanger lives.
Sources close to the police hierarchy who hinted Graphic Online about the resolve of the police to deal with such waywardness that has become part of the annual ritual of end of year Watchnight church services and New Year Resolutions, said the Police Administration will soon confirm the warning with an official statement.
“We want to caution that under Ghanaian law, it is a crime for a person to publish or reproduce a statement, rumour or report which is likely to cause fear and alarm to the public or to disturb the public peace, where that person has no evidence to prove that the statement, rumour or report is true.
“It is also a crime for a person, by means of electronic communications service, to knowingly send a communication that is false or misleading and likely to prejudice the efficiency of life saving service or to endanger the safety of any person.”
While the Police Service has insisted that it is not against prophecies and has time and again acknowledged the public’s right to religion, freedom of worship and free speech, it has also pointed to the fact that the rights are subject to laws.
“It is also a crime for a person, by means of electronic communications service, to knowingly send a communication that is false or misleading and likely to prejudice the efficiency of life saving service or to endanger the safety of any person.
“A person found guilty under these laws could be liable to a term of imprisonment of up to five years.”