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Men reveal the unspoken rules of using a public urinal
Urinal etiquette, it turns out, is a bit of a minefield.
A recent conversation with friends revealed that there’s a whole lot of rules – and men just instinctively know to follow them.
As a woman, I’m more used to the female experience of going with a friend, even when I don’t really need to, and deep conversations through cubicle walls.
Men pee in silence, even if they happen to run into their closest friends.
So for those not so accustomed with this unspoken code, we asked some men to explain.
Rule number one when using the urinals: you do NOT talk when using the urinals – no matter the location.
This includes the busiest clubs: while the girls’ toilets may be full of gossiping and giggles, men step off the dancefloor into a soulless and silent den, a quiet only occasionally broken by the sound of the hand dryer.
This rule even applies if you step into the toilets with s