Important signs that could indicate someone is suicidal
There is rarely one reason why someone decides to take their own life, and often it is a result of problems building up to a point where someone can see no other way to cope.
According to Samaritans, when a person reaches a point where they feel suicidal, they often lose sight of being able to work through their problems.
Samaritans say: ‘They can feel completely consumed with hopelessness and often believe those around them will be better off if they are no longer here.
‘A suicidal crisis will pass – feeling this way often only last for a short period of time.’
‘Talking can really help a person to see a way through this and we would encourage anyone who is feeling low to reach out for help.’
It can be very hard to tell whether a person is suicidal, and it can feel like an impossible topic to bring up. But inviting someone to open up could literally save their life.
It’s not always possible to identify if a person is feeling suicidal, and there may be no signs at all.
That’s why it’s important that no matter what, you make it clear that you are there to talk to.
Even the person who seems happiest can be struggling. But some people may show signs of being suicidal.
According to Samaritans, one of these signs is a change in behaviour – if someone starts acting out of the ordinary, for example by becoming very withdrawn or excessively animated, this may be a sign that something is wrong.
Changes in routine, sleeping and eating habits, may also indicate a problem, as well as lacking energy and appearing particularly tired.
Other indications could be drinking, smoking or using drugs more than usual, or finding it hard to cope with everyday things, including not wanting to do things they usually enjoy.
Becoming withdrawn from friends and family and not wanting to talk is a warning sign, as well as becoming more tearful or appearing restless, agitated, nervous, irritable.
A person feeling suicidal may also put themselves down a lot – either in a serious or jokey way, for instance mentioning things like ‘nobody loves me’ or saying that they are a ‘waste of space’.
Symptoms may also include losing interest in their appearance, or not taking care of themselves.
As mentioned, some people who feel suicidal don’t demonstrate any signs at all, but it is important to know the ones that you can look out for.
A spokesperson for Samaritans told Metro.co.uk: ‘Every suicide is a tragedy.
‘Suicide is complex and each person’s circumstances are individual and influenced by different factors.
‘All threats of suicide should be taken seriously and it is important to remember there is help available for anyone who is struggling to cope, feeling suicidal, or is worried about someone they know.
‘Encouraging people to reach out early and talk about their problems, whether that is with loved ones or an organisation like Samaritans, has been shown to help people find a way through.’