Do you believe in love at first sight?
Love is strange.
It is a word used most in the whole world and the Bible but the least understood.
We, therefore, talk about love, express and experience it based on cultural background, age, sex, education and life experiences.
Consider the love story of a client.
He was driving when he saw this young, tall, fair and beautiful lady.
He suddenly lost control and drove into a ditch.
Among the onlookers who came to help was this lady.
He offered her a lift.
Things “started knocking things” and today they are married.
Interestingly, the lady claims she felt the same sensation when she first saw the man.
Some call this love at first sight.
What is love at first sight?
You experience love at first sight when you feel romantic attraction for a stranger on seeing him or her for the first time.
You think you have seen the most romantic person on earth and will do everything, including smiling, greeting and making a kind offer to catch his or her attention.
You see him or her as flawless because you overlook all their weaknesses.
You admire them and want to follow them everywhere.
You are full of happiness and joy when this stranger is around you.
It is the most romantic thing that could happen to you in a short moment when someone comes straight into your heart and steals it away.
Some people do not believe in love at first sight.
According to scientists, when you see a person of the opposite sex, the brain stimulates a cocktail of chemicals like epinephrine in the nervous system.
This gives you a pleasant outlook on life and makes you react romantically towards him or her.
The greater stimulation, the greater your emotional feeling.
People then react differently depending on their age, sex and self-control.
What we call love, at first sight, is, therefore, nothing special because it could happen to anyone at any time.
Some further argue that people claiming to fall in love, at first sight, are already prepared to get into a relationship.
They are not attracted to just anyone but are selective in what they want.
In short, beautiful people attract attention.
This is normal because human beings, especially men, are visually stimulated.
Believing in love, at first sight, is simply a false sense of love because true love goes beyond.
Others believe in love at first sight.
In fact, 60 per cent of Americans believe in it and 50 per cent claim to have experienced it.
According to scientists, as we grow and imagine what we want in our future partners, those qualities are registered in our subconscious mind.
When you meet someone who has something similar to what is registered in your mind, you even feel you have known him or her for a long time.
This is love at first sight.
Scientists have found out that romantic love is rooted in our brains from infancy.
Romantic love, therefore, arches us backwards.
This makes a certain person feel right for us or feel familiar because he or she has something that activates our memory.
Some call it love at first sight.
If you believe in love at first sight or not, you are right because we are the choices we make in life.
Appreciate, however, that meeting someone for the first time does not guarantee a long and fulfilling relationship.
It only offers you the opportunity to find out if you are compatible.
The days after is what makes a difference.
Consider carefully the physical, ethical, mental and spiritual qualities of your potential lover.
Make sure you have compatible qualities.
Work hard on your weakness and ensure you can cope with them.
It is kind of amazing how a person who was once a stranger can suddenly be the person to steal your heart but don’t be afraid to fall in love even with a stranger because love is beautiful.
Love, at first sight, is possible, but it pays to take a second look.
Also remember, it takes time and patience to grow love.
Look before you leap.
Love can give you sight but it can also give you blindness.