Watch these things, SHS freshers II
This is the concluding part of the feature article published last week on what fresh SHS students should expect when they go to boarding school.
Adopt things slowly
There are some of you who have never washed, scrubbed or eaten certain types of food before but you will come face to face with all these realities in the boarding house.
You have to adapt to them gradually because the boarding house serves as the preparatory ground for you to face real challenges in the real world. It is good to learn to do all these chores.
You will also meet students with different characters but you have to be tolerant and accommodate everyone so as to be able to live in harmony.
Don't take part in demonstrations
Surely, since that is not your home, there would be things you might want done which cannot be implemented immediately so if you have any grievances, there are laid down procedures you can channel them through. Sometimes, students ignore those avenues and take the law into their own hands.
They resort to demonstrations and destroy school property. If this happens, it can affect your academic work which might have a toll on your performance and also affect future students as well. Students who engage in unruly behaviour during demonstrations can be arrested and sometimes ring leaders penalised.
Bear in mind that students can be expelled from school for bad behaviour and if that happens, you the individual would go home alone so you have to think about your actions and tread cautiously.
Develop your talents
If you have any talents you can have great exposure in the SHS. You can have talent in sports, the arts, music and many others so explore your capabilities and interests. Go ahead and develop your talents and do so with passion so you can reach greater heights. There are many stars today who nurtured their talents way back in their SHS days.
Parents’ responsibilities
Parents need to visit their children in school to know their challenges so that they can solve them before they get out of hand. The best is for parents to monitor the performance of their children and meet their teachers to assist them to stay on track always.
Know their friends
It is also good for parents to know the kind of friends their children move with and advise them against the bad ones. One good strategy is to invite their friends to the house so you can study them very well.
It would be good to inquire about the behaviour of children from their teachers at school. Some children pretend to be wonderful while at home but in school, they behave differently. That is why all parents need to know about the lives their children lead so that if they are going wayward, they can be corrected before things get out of hand.