Letters: Be responsible pet owners
Dear Editor, Many people keep dogs, cats and other animals as pets. Pets are very useful when they are well-trained. They can be of great importance and do meaningful things.
They also serve as good companions to their owners. Some pets, like dogs and cats, sense danger and save people from harm.
They can also guard the house from thieves and bad people. However, pets such as dogs can pose a lot of danger to strangers when they are not properly taken care of.
If a dog has rabies and is left to go outside the home, it can bite strangers and they may lose their lives.
It is important for pet owners to see to the proper health care of their pets so that they may not infest people with diseases.
Priscilla Kakraba,
Ho-Fiave E.P. JHS,
Volta Region.
- Pets owners should ensure pets get all the necessary vaccinations.
Evict traders from Kaneshie footbridge
Dear Editor, it is very hectic when one is using the Kaneshie footbridge.
The footbridge has become a marketplace for a lot of hawkers. The space left for walking is so narrow that you may stumble and fall.
There are a lot of people who sleep on the footbridge at night. Others also stand there to preach God’s word.
If care is not taken, they will take over the bridge, making it inaccessible to pedestrians.
I plead with the relevant law enforcers such as the Ghana Police Service and the Accra Metropolitan Assembly to rid the footbridge of traders, mentally impaired persons and people who stand on the footbridges to beg for alms or preach so that the footbridge can serve the purpose for which it was created.
This will also make the bridge tidy for pedestrians to freely use.
Frederick Agyakwah,
- The Kaneshie footbridge is almost inaccessible to pedestrians.
Provide textbooks for basic schools
Dear Editor, I am writing to express my deep concern about the lack of textbooks in our school.
It is unacceptable that students in many parts of the country are forced to study with outdated materials or no books at all.
It is essential that the government takes swift and effective measures to address this issue. This may include increasing education funding, providing sufficient and up-to-date textbooks and building the capacity for school heads to manage educational resources effectively.
It is only by prioritising education and investing in it that children across the country can have a fairer and more equitable education.
Amuzu Mawunyo,
St Francis’ Demo JHS B,
Hohoe, Volta Region.
- Textbooks facilitate effective teaching and learning.