Is it safe to microwave food?
There’s nothing risky about microwave radiation – but there is about heating up plastic.
Despite being a kitchen workhorse for decades, few household items have been more divisive than the microwave. It’s hailed as a lifesaver for those who can’t, or won’t, cook, and portrayed by some chefs as singlehandedly dragging the art of cooking into the gutter.
But another debate lies beyond the culinary disputes – when is microwave cooking bad for you?
When used correctly, there’s nothing to worry about in terms of a microwave’s radiation, according to the World
Health Organization. But other concerns are less clear – including whether microwaving food causes nutrient loss, or whether heating food in plastic can trigger hormone disruption.
Losing nutrients
Some research has shown that vegetables lose some of their nutritional value in the microwave.
For example, microwaving has been found to remove 97% of the flavonoids – pl