Who are Ghana’s real heroes?
A London-based professional in regular touch with the motherland and sometime follower of “Affirmatively Disruptive,” this week, gets a treasured opportunity to make her own case on who Ghana’s heroes are or should be. Enjoy and reflect!
Hi Sodzi,
Has anyone noticed that in this so-called “modern” world, we queue for everything? In fact, it has become so expected that if I go somewhere and there isn’t a queue, I am so surprised that I turn around and leave, suspecting that something fishy may be going on. This makes me think. They say the small things are shadows of the grander things...so then life must be a queue.
We are born onto the processing line of a grand old queue called life. And at some point while in that queue, bam!...Our consciousness is awakened, we look around, and then 99 per cent of us do exactly what everyone around us is doing....we queue, all facing one direction. Oh, we have ways of justifying this....ermm, we say tradition,