Spread of Methodism in Ghana. The birth of Airport East Circuit
Albert Einstein is reputed to be the greatest ,or at the least, one of the greatest scientists of all time. His contribution to the study of nature, the systematic observation and classification of natural phenomena for human development and principled approach to all endeavour remain a feat.
It is, however, held that Einstein’s most important contribution to science is his five simple words- “Nothing Happens Until Something Moves’.
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity —‘nothing happens until something moves’— perhaps, sums up the glorious story of the Airport East Circuit of the Accra Diocese of the Methodist Church Ghana, which will be inaugurated on Saturday, February 27, 2016 at the Immanuel Methodist Church in the Regimanuel-Gray Estate, East Airport, Accra.
At a meeting of the leadership of the Immanuel Methodist Society on Tuesday, January 27, 2009 under the chairmanship of the Very Rev. Joseph Arthur, the then Minister in charge, a member, Prof. K.E. deGraft-Johnson, moved a motion for the Immanuel Society to become a Circuit. The response from the colleague members was an overwhelming approval by virtually all members present.
Immediately after the adoption of the proposal, a Circuit Planning Committee (CPC) was put in place to kick start the processes of ensuring that the decision to develop the society into a circuit was carried out. The very first members of the CPC included the Rev. Joseph Arthur, Mr Kwesi Abbey Sam, Mrs Alice Acquaye, Mrs Regina Botchwey, Mrs Rose Ockan, Evangelist Dr Francis Nunoo and Mr Andy Quartey under the chairmanship of Mr Nimo Ahinkora.
In the year 2010, a new administrative structure was put in place which led to the reconstitution and expansion of the CPC, this time, including the Rt. Rev. Justice K. A. Dadson, who had then taken over as the minister in charge of the Immanuel Methodist Society. Some of the new members included Messrs Kwamina Amoasi-Andoh, Kwame Antwi-Boasiako, Mr Kobina Bondzie, Samuel Holman Biney, Daniel Tackie, Mrs Lillie Adjei, Mrs Ernestina Djanetey, Mrs Janet Fofie, Mrs Dr Dinah Baah Odoom, Mrs Love Dadson, Mr Patrick Koranteng and Ms Nana Kesewa Yeboah.
Life is said to be about dynamism which brings about progress. The enthusiasm, energy and enterprise of these dedicated men and women with a common conviction spurred on the struggle for the creation of the Airport East Circuit. The team was later led by the new Minister in charge, the Very Rev. Kodwo Arko-Boham, who continued to pile up pressure on the Accra North Circuit of the Accra Diocese of the Methodist Church, Ghana under which was the Immanuel Society.
In November 2012, the Very Rev. Kodwo Arko-Boham sent a reminder to the Accra North Circuit on the proposal earlier sent by his predecessor, Rt. Rev. Dadson to the Accra North Circuit for consideration under the Superintendent Minister Rev. Dr Kwesi Arthur Mensah. The quarterly meeting of the Accra North Circuit in January 2013 made recommendations to the Accra Synod Meeting in May 2013 to seek approval from the General Purposes Committee (GPC) at its meeting in 2013.
The August 2013 GPC granted the Immanuel Society the status of a Single Society Circuit to be called the East Airport Section. The then Presiding Bishop Elect and Bishop of Accra, Rt. Rev. Titus Awotwe Pratt, recommended the setting up of a joint committee from the Accra North and Dzorwulu circuits to see to the implementation of the decision.
The Conference of the Methodist Church Ghana, in August 2014, further approved for the East Airport Section A to become Section B and directed that for proximity and convenience, the Trinity Methodist Society at Martey Tsruu, formerly under the Dzorwulu Circuit and the Malik Preaching Post should join the East Airport Circuit.
This led to the establishment of the East Airport Circuit Implementation Committee including the Very Rev. Theophilus K. Anderson, Accra North as Chairman, Very Rev. Joshua Aboagye Orgen, Dzorwlu, Very Rev. Kodwo Arko-Boham, Immanuel and Very Rev. Francis Acquah of Trinity Methodist Society. Other members of the CIC were Messrs Abaeku Arthur, Amos Sackitey, of IMS; Rose Anne Ammisah, Dzorwulu, and Doris Anum,Trinity.
Birth of a circuit
The 7th Biennial and 4th Conference of the Methodist Church Ghana in July 2015 moved for the Airport East Section to the final stage of a circuit and which was rectified by the 8th Expanded GPC held in Accra in August 2015 for the circuit to be fully fledged and named the Airport East Circuit.
It is a reality that one generation plants a tree and the next enjoys the shade but it is important that some personalities are recognised for their immense contribution to the creation of the Airport East Circuit. These include but the Most Rev. Prof. Emmanuel K. Asante, Immediate Past Presiding Bishop; Rt. Rev. Titus Awotwe Pratt, Presiding Bishop; Very Rev. Kodwo Arko-Boham, Very Rev. Prof. David Kwamena Ekem, Very Rev. Rev. Rebecca Baiden, Opanyin Nimo Ahinkorah, Very Rev. Quansah, Mr Kwesi Abbey Sam, Mrs Regina Bocthwey, Prof. K.E. deGraft-Johnson, Mr Emmanuel Botchwey and indeed all past ministers of the Immanuel Society, as well as the Calvary Methodist Church, Adabraka, out of whose ribs the Immanuel Society was born.