Scientists chase money - Corporate Ghana’s day of shame
Last week, the CSIR organised a cocktail event to which it invited in excess of 60 public and private sector organisations, many of them selected on the basis of the contribution of scientific research to their very existence, growth and continued profitability.
The council needed money to push its 60th anniversary plan to propagate science and technology.
Only five of the companies showed up. The council’s Director-General, Professor Victor Agyeman, noticed it, and mentioned it in passing.
Methinks I felt a lump in the throat of the Master of Ceremonies as he attempted to give voice to his disappointment.
In my line of work, I used to get invited to launch schemes. Those ceremonies that attracted (and still attract) heavy patronage have something to do with beauty pageants: you would be impressed by the number of SUVs and V8s. In there, in black tie, are CEOs of the invited organisations.
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