Our society needs more first aiders
“Three hundred and ninety-five people died in road crashes in 2,863 accidents nationwide in the first quarter of 2015. In addition, 2,442 sustained various degrees of injury in the accidents,” (Daily Graphic, May 15, 2015; pg.43.
A 10 year old primary 4 pupil was pronounced dead on arrival at a hospital when she was ‘thrown’ into the back seat of taxicab with 5 other occupants (well-wishers) after she became unconscious at a playground.
Preventable deaths
I dare say many of the deaths and the severity of injuries our society has witnessed could have been avoided if there had been swift, immediate and appropriate responses to the needs of the casualties/victims by way of applying the appropriate first aid manoeuvre before advanced medical (appropriate) help was sought. First aid is the initial assistance or treatment given to a person who is injured or suddenly takes ill (using appropriate available materials).
The aims of first aid according to the