His words will remain eternal — Prof. Delle
Oooh! My brother, friend and comrade is no more.
I cannot easily accept and believe this! A pure and true Nkrumaist.
A socialist who accepts national independence and self-determination, freedom and justice and continental unity and solidarity.
When I came back to Ghana in 1974 from my studies in Italy, he was a great mentor to me.
The encouragement and support he gave me were tremendous.
He treated me as a younger brother and eventually I became part and parcel of his family and household.
Indeed, I find it difficult to accept that my brother is no more. No! I cannot believe it. My condolence goes to the family.
His words will remain eternal.
He is not dead! He is still living in our hearts, in our memories and in our homes, schools and universities.
He lived for Ghana, African and all peoples of African descent — a great man, a great African and a great teacher.
His disciples are all over Africa and the world.
My condolence once again, goes to the family, the people of Ghana, the people of African and the people of the world.
His contribution to Ghana is immeasurable.
His words were full of wisdom and precious.
There is no where you will go and will not find Atukwei Okai celebrated – up in the skies, in the trees and earth, streams, rivers and seas; indeed, everywhere.
Prof.Atukwei Okai became the very embodiment of Africa poetry and Africa poetry embodied Porf. Atukwei Okai as well.
He is not dead!
His words and voice will live on and remain with us forever. Where will you go and you will not find this man celebrated?
He is a real gem. A gem God gave to humanity.
The lesson he has taught the world will keep on ringing in our ears to stimulate our minds.
The African aim shall never die and all those in similar negative situations around the world suffering under oppression and suppression will continue to survive and live.
He has disciples who will continue to carry on his work and dream.
He fought that the African aim shall not die.
We are all with you at this moment of pain and grief, though we cannot see you now.
He is gone! Now with the angels, with Osagyefo and all great pan Africanists who have gone ahead of him.
Our greetings go to them.
He will remain in our memories forever and we shall meet again one day.
Prof.Atukwei Okai! Your brother, friend and comrade bid you farewell in the name of all Nkrumaists and Pan Africanists you have left behind in the struggle for liberation and emancipation.
Fare thee well.