Fame without money is uncomfortable - Nana Yeboah
THE latest 'star' to come out of the Twi movie industry, popularly known as Kumawood is actor Nana Yeboah.
The man has gained a lot of followers for his sharp tongue and the way he 'deals' with people in movies. Excerpts of his movies posted on YouTube have made him quite popular but Nana Yeboah has told Graphic Showbiz that popularity is uncomfortable because it doesn't reflect in his pocket.
According to him, since his face became more recognisable, he has been compelled to pick taxis or Uber to locations and it is sometimes awkward when he doesn’t have money to pick either.
“This is a passionate appeal to anyone who loves my movies and will want to give me a car to continue my good work. I see all the comments on social media and I want to thank everyone but if that could translate into money to purchase a car, I will be very glad,” he told Graphic Showbiz last weekend.
Nana Yeboah said he was not ashamed to say that he didn't have a car because a fan who is touched by his movies could be moved to gift him one.
Known for movies such as Emmre Pa Beba, Hyebre, Computer Marriage, Odo Safoa, Enemies In The House among others, Nana Yeboah said he was grateful to social media for bringing him exposure.
“I was only popular among very few people but thanks to social media, a lot of people know me now. My popularity has increased by three times since the producers started posting scenes from my movies on YouTube,” he said.
Nana Yeboah, who has acted alongside Nana Ama McBrown, Lilwin, Akrobeto, Vivian Jill, Bill Asamoah and Ellen White among others said he got into movies through a friend who introduced him to a producer five years ago.