Vincent K. Kpodo authored ‘Quick Results’ out
With over 10 years of leading God’s people to appreciate the act of prayer, Minister Vincent K Kpodo has summed his encounter in the secret place in his latest book, 'Quick Results'.
It is designed to provide all faith believers with a comprehensive guide to help them prepare for prayers and receive quick answers to their prayers.
'Quick Results' covers a wide range of topics, including test-taking strategies, and more. The book is written in an easy-to-understand format and is perfect for both new and experienced believers.
According to Vincent K. Kpodo, 'Quick Results' is a valuable resource for Christians who are looking to improve their spiritual lives and understand the concept of prayers.
Born into a Catholic home but later indulged in occultism for more than two years in search of the true power of God, Vincent was struck down by liver dysfunction which almost killed him.
However, on his sick bed, he mentioned that he encountered Jesus Christ and received a call into ministry.
“A major part of my assignment is to induct the ‘act of prayer’ into the lives of believers across the world. Although the road has not always been smooth, my ministry has transformed thousands of lives around the world following signs, wonders, miracles, and other notable testimonies,” he stated.
'Quick Results' is available on official website and other book shops across the country.