Some weird things men want in a woman
WHAT does a man want when it comes to a woman? To a large extent, the answer is a mystery, and will most likely remain a mystery. But that hasn't stopped science from trying to discover the answer to this human attraction riddle.
However, research has found that there is one thing that's common for many men: they tend to trust their first impressions. And those initial moments have a great impact their level of attraction to individual women.
Of course, there are women who master the art of making a good first impression with little to no effort, while some have to work a little bit harder.
Here are 5 things research says men find particularly attractive in women.
1. Natural looking makeup, including eye makeup and lipstick.
Some men claim that they prefer women without makeup because they look natural. But according to a survey conducted by the online dating Zoosk, out of 1,200 women who wore eye makeup in their profile photo, 139 were more likely to receive messages from men. Men were also more likely to want to meet a woman if she's wearing lipstick in her profile photo.
However, women who tend to wear "darker" types of makeup were less likely to get asked out. So, even if men say they prefer women who looked "natural," that means you can wear "natural"-looking makeup and still attract men.
Also, men, it's OK to admit that your girl looks good with the winged eyeliner and red lipstick.
2. The ideal waist-to-hip ratio.
This preference has less to do with attractiveness and more on health and fertility.
"Evidence also shows that waist-to-hip ratio is a strong indicator of a woman’s estrogen levels, risk of obesity, and susceptibility to major disease such as diabetes, ovarian cancer, and heart disease," says the article.
3. Dressing in red clothes.
Red is the color of passion. So, it's no wonder that men are so attracted to it. In a study by psychologists from the University of Rochester, men were shown photos of different women in framed borders of either red or white and were asked how pretty they found the women.
Then they were shown the same photo with the women wearing either red or blue and asked how much money they would spend on a date with that woman. The women framed in red or wearing red were more likely to be found sexy and attractive, and the men more likely wanted to spend money on a date.
4. A kind attitude.
A nice attitude always goes a long way. In a study from the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, researchers found that a woman's responsiveness to men's needs and wants increased their attractiveness to men.
5. A higher-pitched voice.
Studies have shown that women tend to find deeper-voiced men attractive. The opposite is typically true for men, as some believe "[higher] voices signal reproductive fitness, femininity, and smaller body size."
Source: yourtango.com