Plane showing at Silverbird Cinemas
Since last week Friday, January 27, movie aficionados who thronged the Silverbird Cinemas, Accra Mall and West Hills Mall have been praising Gerald Butler's most recent performance in the thriller, Plane.
The Olympus has Fallen star gave yet another masterpiece in Plane directed by Jean-Francois Richet.
By perilous landing on a war-torn island, pilot Brodie Torrance saves passengers from a lightning strike, only to discover that surviving the landing was only the beginning.
Louis Gaspare, an alleged killer who was being transported by the FBI, is the only person Torrance can rely on for assistance when deadly rebels hold majority of the passengers imprisoned.
To protect his passengers from being abducted, Captain Brodie (Gerald Butler) and Mike Colter forge an unusual partnership. It is action-packed, exciting, and contains all the essential components of great entertainment.
Since it made its debut on January 27, viewers have been giving positive reviews on social media and confirmation of its attraction on a global scale.
There is no restricted time as the movie shows from morning to evening and the move, according to managers of the Silverbird Cinemas is to give viewers the chance to see the movie at their most convenient time by calling 0593997086 for showing times.
Plane, a 1 hour 47 minutes blockbuster which will show for two months at the cinemas, stars Mike Colter, Lilly Kreg, Remi Adeleke, and other well-known actors and actresses from Hollywood.