GH for Salvador Carnival in Brazil in February
A number of Ghanaian artistes are set to perform at this year’s Salvador Carnival in Bahia, Brazil which takes place from Friday, February 9 to Wednesday, February 14.
Among the names publicised for the event are Edem, Wiyaala, Epixode and Atongo.
On the theme, “Reconnecting Afro Roots”, the annual festival in Brazil allows different countries to showcase their cultural heritage through costume, music, dance, and art, among others.
This is the first time any African country will be participating in the Salvador Carnival and it will definitely be a good opportunity to promote Ghana’s culture.
Apart from musicians, officers from the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, the Association of Ghana Industries (AGI) and players in the tourism, arts and culture industry will participate in the carnival.
The deputy Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Mark Okraku Mante gave details of the festival and Ghana’s participation at a recent press conference.
Mr Okraku Mante indicated that data from the 2010 Brazil Population Census Report stated that the black and mixed race people formed the majority of Brazil’s population.
He said the proportion of people declaring themselves black or mixed race had risen from 44.7 per cent to 50.7, making African Brazil the official majority for the first time and it was necessary to teach the history of slavery and Ghana’s participation was key in promoting the African culture and for the now majority African Brazilians to appreciate their ancestral.
According to Epixode who has also been a great advocate of pan Africanism, “I’m grateful for this opportunity and looking forward to have a great time with our family who lost their roots, identity because of slavery. I know they will appreciate our music,” he said.