End of the road: Eazzy & Keitta break up
Former lovebirds, Keitta Osei Masai, the younger brother of Reggie Rockstone, and musician Mildred Ashong, also known as Eazzy, have gone their separate ways.
Eazzy announced on Twitter Thursday that she was longer seeing the 23-year-old former Big Brother Africa contestant.
She tweeted: “Hi guys fnx fr yrr concern. yep. Keitta n i are not a couple anymore. details r private. no more questions. Wink,”
Eazzy had earlier tweeted, “Am young, single and fabulous..”
It’s not clear what led to the break-up, but it is likely to give credence to assertions that celebrity relationships are not sustainable.
Keitta has yet to comment on the development.
Source: Graphic.com.gh/Ghana