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Akosua Adjepong ‘threatens’ CEO of GHAMRO for tarnishing her image
-Akosua Adjepong ‘threatens’ Abraham Adjetey for tarnishing her image

Akosua Adjepong ‘threatens’ CEO of GHAMRO for tarnishing her image

Veteran Highlife musician, Akosua Adjepong is giving the CEO of Ghana Music Rights Organisation (GHAMRO), Abraham Adjetey a 48 hour ultimatum to apologise for making untruth statements about her or face her wrath.


The singer who has been in a long feud with the leadership of the interim Executive Board of GHAMRO says she has been forced to take a stance following the false news of her forming her own Spinners association to take money from people which is being peddled by Abraham Adjetey.

At a press conference held yesterday(June 14) at the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA), Akosua Adjepong made it clear that she will use whatever she has to deal with Abraham to retract the false claims.

 “As it stands now, there is no transparency at GHAMRO because elections have not been done to elect a President to lead the organisation. Some people have decided to bring their own people and make money for themselves,” she said.                                                  

 She pleaded with the Attorney General’s office to speed up the process of investigation at GHAMRO since there are lots of malpractices taking place there.   

Akosua Adjepong said the Carlos Sakyi administration is the best so far since the establishment of GHAMRO with subsequent leadership doing nothing for the progress of members.

 “Although there were few issues with the Carlos Sakyi’s administration, I can say it is the best so far. They worked well for the interest of members,” she stated.

A number of spinners who attended the press conference complained bitterly about undue harassment including seizing their computers by the collectors which was becoming unbearable for them.

Some of them stated that they had even paid for their license to operate and still don’t have receipts to show for it.

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I’m ready to face GHAMRO in court —Akosua Adjepong

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