Antwi of 'Antwi ne Antwi' fame returns to secular music; says gospel music doesn't sell
When Antwi Korkor of Antwi ne Antwi fame decided to turn his back on a lucrative secular music career to become an evangelist, he had, perhaps, not anticipated a tough, rough ride.
As a member of a vibrant hiplife duo in the early 2000s that made waves with songs like Sekina and Maware and enjoyed all the fame that came with making hits, Antwi Korkor had not anticipated a “turbulent” career when he chose the path of doing gospel music.
From being the favourite in most homes and among teeming fans, the once vibrant Antwi Korkor said he had to deal with financial difficulties when he turned to doing gospel music in 2008.
“Doing gospel music couldn’t feed my family so I’m back to my secular music. That is what fed me and I know going back to it is the right decision,” he told Graphic Showbiz in an interview on Monday.
Giving reasons for the decision, Antwi Korkor, who released three gospel albums, said the Church hadn’t been supportive of the mission he embarked on and that had contributed to his family and himself going hungry for years.
‘I have been in the gospel terrain since 2008 and I’ve come to realise that it is very difficult for Christians to accept those of us with secular music background. They don’t support us with anything but always tell us that God will bless us. Meanwhile, I have a wife and children and I must feed them. My three gospel albums also did not do well so I’ m coming back to do what will put food on my table,” he stated.
Interestingly, he was bold to confirm to Graphic Showbiz that the secular music sector gives more “goodies” than the gospel music arena.
‘‘I have a lot of connections in the secular music industry. I know many presenters who will help me bounce back. That isn’t all; I have also developed the art to pray to support my career and I believe my comeback is a good decision because I will be better off doing what I’m good at.
“Whoever tells you that there is more money in gospel music than secular is a liar. I am serving God and the same God says I should do secular music. God is with me and I’m confident I will make it,’’ he stated.
According to him, the decision to go back is a “divine one” since he had a prophecy. He queried, “why will a prophecy come for me to do secular music if it’s evil?”
His understanding of secular music is that the “song is everywhere” and not ungodly as has been perceived by many people.
The Sekina artiste said he won’t be discouraged by public criticisms but has set out on the journey to motivate young musicians not to switch camp to the gospel arena when they face difficulties.
“When I repented, I was ignorant and made some negative utterances about the industry. I’m not trying to justify my decision to come back but one of the biggest mistakes people are making is leaving their music careers immediately to do God’s work. I want those who will come after us, the secular musicians who want to serve God, not to commit the same mistakes. They can worship God and still do their secular songs. After all, secular music is not satanic.
“I am an evangelist, not a pastor so I can do my evangelism anywhere and any time. I don’t have my own church now, but I will do both at the same time to encourage people that Christianity is not poverty,’’ he concluded.