Naya calls for peace with Wonsom Wonsom
With the impending general elections on Wednesday, 7 December, many in the entertainment industry have made a call for peace and among them is Naya Plange who has released a single titled Wonsom Wonsom.
Wonsom Wonsom is written, composed, arranged and performed by Naya Plange and recorded and released under Get your Game records of X-BEAM Entertainment.
The song is a call for peace, unity and togetherness and also seeks to address other imbalances in the country.
It also talks about certain Ghanaian attitudes such as laziness and apathy that retard the country’s development and progress, and the need to address such issues from the onset before they get out of hand.
Real name, Nana Yaw Osei–Plange, Naya Plange goes on to call for peace and unity to build a prosperous nation.
Naya makes a case for peace at all times and not just during elections. He sings that Ghanaians must change as a people, and challenges listeners of the song to commit to the virtues of truth, hard work, love for one another and nation.
The tone, lyrics, rhythm and arrangement of the song is reminiscent of classic highlife and folk songs which many enjoyed in the past.
The song relies heavily on traditional instruments such as drums and guitars which makes the song unique.
In an interview with Showbiz, Naya Plange, said, “Ghana goes to the polls in less than a month; and as it is done every four years, the media landscape is flooded with messages of peace unity and togetherness.
“ This song has been done to sensitise the general public towards a violence-free and credible, peaceful Presidential and Parliamentary elections.
“ Music is a useful tool for national cohesion, and at such crucial times in a nation’s history, the use of good music cannot be overemphasised.”