Tourism Authority commends Coconut Grove Resort
The Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) has commended the Coconut Beach Resort, Elmina, for emerging the Best Tourism Levy payer in the Central Region in 2015.
The authority said the resort had been consistent in the collection and remittance of the levy to the Tourism Development Fund, which holds the one per cent levies of a customer’s total expenditure at a tourist site.
GTA commended the Coconut Grove Beach Resort and Conference Centre at Elmina after it was adjudged the Most Consistent Tourism Levy payer in the Central Region for 2015.
The honour was conferred on the hotel, which is a Groupe Nduom company, at the annual tourism awards held in Winneba in the Central Region.
The levy has been collected since October 2012 and over GH¢14m has accumulated for tourism development.
The award is in recognition of the hotel's diligence and consistency in the collection and payment of the one per cent levy to the tourism authority to help support tourism development in the country.
The levy is one per cent of a tourist's expenditure at any registered facility nationwide. It is normally collected by the various facilities and remitted to the authority through the Tourism Development Fund.
A citation accompanying the award said: “Though some certified hospitality facilities are consistently paying their one per cent Tourism Levy towards the Tourism Development Fund, it is worthy to note that this unit ranks high with regard to the quantum of money paid under the year in review.”
“The GTA appreciates this immense contribution to the development of tourism and confers on Coconut Grove Beach Resort the award of being the Most Consistent Tourism Levy payer,” the citation, which was signed by the Central Region Director of the Tourism Authority, Dinah Au-Owusu, added.— GB
The award goes to strengthen the fact that the Coconut Grove Hotels, the hospitality wing of the Group Nduom, is not only interested in profit but also concerned with meeting all statutory obligations, including the payment of Value Added Tax (VAT), income taxes and Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) contributions.
The hotel chain of the group comprises facilities in Obuasi, Accra and Elmina, which specialise in the use of local raw materials in all their dealings.