Ghana Chamber of Events Management (GCEM) inaugurates new IMC
The Interim Management Committee (IMC) of the Ghana Chamber of Events Management (GCEM) has been inaugurated in Accra.
GCEM, a regulatory and advocacy body for its members and of the events industry in Ghana, was formally incorporated in August 2015 by private sector players in the events management industry. It has membership of experts and personnel in the various aspects of the local events industry, third party suppliers, and other strategic partners and stakeholders in the area.
Members of the IMC are Mr. Dodzi Anador, a seasoned marketing practitioner and the managing partner of Phelp Services Ghana Limited as Chairman; Mr. Paul Mensah, the Executive Director of Divine Eagles Limited as Vice Chairman; Mr. Abraham Ofori Portuphy, the Chief Executive Officer of Glitter Edutainment as the Secretary, Ms. Vivyan Araba Essuman of Sport Business Africa Centre and CEO of Royal Peaches, as Assistant Secretary; Mr. Maxwell Dextler Ampofo of Varaderos Consult as Operations and Mr. Daniel Blagogee of Prosline Services as Deputy Operations.
The IMC's Terms of Reference (TOR) include undertaking a nationwide mobilization of individual and or corporate memberships; securing collaborations with existing Federations & Associations as partners of the GCEM, including the Association of Ghana Industries (AGI), Ghana National Chamber of Commerce & Industry (GNCCI), MUSIGA, Federation of Tailors & Seamstresses, Actors & Actresses and Hoteliers Association.
A press release by the Chamber said the IMC will also provide a roadmap for Regional and National Executives Elections by the 2nd week of September 2021 for official inauguration of new executives by the 3rd week of September 2021; as well as identify personalities to be appointed as patrons of the GCEM with a very prominent person to be appointed as chief patron.
The IMC shall also review proposals submitted by the earlier 3-member Committee on financial restructuring of the Chamber and adopt strategies for fund mobilization before the regional and national elections. They will also consult state institutions, ministries and authorities towards a rebrand of GCEM as well as a re-launch of the Chamber by the first week of September, 2021.
The release said the IMC shall also explore international linkages and collaborations with global bodies of same or similar pursuits and forge partnerships.
On behalf of the IMC, Mr. Dodzi Anador thanked the outgoing Management Committee for their dedicated service to the Chamber and pledged the new team’s commitment to make the Chamber visible and relevant. The Chairman also said the regularization of current members and a vigorous membership drive will be the main focus for their efforts.