Ghana 2022 Trade Vulnerability Report – a reaction by Yaw Nsarkoh
The “Ghana 2022 Trade Vulnerability Report”, a detailed presentation put together by the Ghana Statistical Service, and shared on August 15, 2023, is a useful read.
It reveals Ghana, since Kwame Nkrumah, as a typical neocolonial economy from the periphery.
Ghana hardly trades with other African countries.
The structure of its trade is heavily exposed to Europe still - just like during colonialism. It imports from two hundred and nine (209) countries - what on earth is it importing from that many?
And very little value is added to exports: much of Ghana's exports are unprocessed commodities (and I suppose migrating or fleeing talent).
This is despite flowery rhetoric to the contrary and Pan-Africanist solidarity and Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and so on.
This Ghanaian economy remains ossified at the structure that prevailed in 1900, some years after the Berlin conference.
Structural changes
It bears eloquent testimony to why the current president, in opposition and his early days in office, referred derogatorily to the Ghanaian economy as stuck in the “Guggisberg Economy”.
In office though, like many of his predecessors, he has been unable to make structural and fundamental changes to improve the essence of the economy.
Neoliberal capitalism has never taken an economy from the periphery, stuck in neocolonial legacy structures, as the extreme servant-partner in the interstate power struggle for domination and world hegemony, to development.
Yet, despite the evidence, Africa, particularly Ghana, continues to show policy addiction and thought capitulation to its central canons.
Those who have managed to escape the fate of the periphery in the world system that has developed since capitalist modernity emerged in earnest in the 15th Century did so by showing courage, originality and determination.
Their mass movements were true anti-systemic movements that deeply engaged the imagination, hearts and minds of the masses of their peoples.
These movements were led by people who were not timid and who were humble enough to truly engage with the masses and listen deeply to learn.
A true appreciation of the conditions of mass misery that large sections of the population live in then galvanised them into action.
The people were determined to end their role in a world system that made them horses in an exploitative partnership of a horse and its cruel rider.
Such leaders, to use the metaphor of that outstanding leader, Deng Xiaoping, dared to touch the backside of the tiger.
They made major and long-term structural changes to secure the long-term health of their societies.
These leaders tackled the big and fundamental issues that reordered the social relations around the means of production.
Issues like land reforms.
And issues like how we are governed, and the fundamental nature of the relationship between traditional systems and modern republican ambitions.
What do we do with chieftaincy to make it a majorly productive agent of development, dignity and shared prosperity?
How do we remodel education to achieve a mindset revolution and build a citizen orientation ready for the hard work and seriousness that transformational development requires?
These are big questions that require courageous and far-seeing leadership to address.
Outmoded Agriculture models
We are unable to feed ourselves.
Our agriculture has many features of a historical accident; trapped in peasant subsistence modes.
No different from how it was done in 1900.
What gives?
This report offers yet more proof if we need a reminder that neoliberal capitalism does not work.
And that proof endangers our neoliberal democracy, for it demonstrates yet again that our experiment with neoliberal democracy has left too many people without an economic dividend while it has significantly enriched a tiny minority to vulgar and exhibitionist ostentation.
An explosive reality.
Many in the Ghanaian elite enjoy a debate about whether capitalism or socialism is the better route forward.
It may stimulate brain cells, but the reality is that Ghana, today, is essentially pre-capitalist. Much of the de facto reality is feudal.
The ancien regime (our nobility and clergy) is in charge while the rest of us pretend we have a democracy.
This country must find a leadership that has the convening power to bridge the divide and dissolve the factionalism that is killing us politically.
It is now an existential matter that we do.
The report offers scientific evidence that this is the situation.
But will we seize the moment?
Will the media take this up and campaign the issues with intensity and energy?
Or is this a subject for another four days, and then we move on to the next titillating issue?
In search of shared prosperity and dignity for the broad masses of our people, we – especially the elite – must try or die trying.
Lean in and do your bit.
A luta continua.
Hosta la Victoria Sempre (always towards victory).