DSTC, IBIS provide solar power to Bole schools
DSTC Solar Training Centre and IBIS Ghana, have collaborated to provide solar lighting and solar vaccine fridges to 12 schools and four clinics in Bole in the Northern Region of Ghana.
The solar project, comprising an initial study, training, supply and installation worth US$67, 791.00, will improve education and health care delivery in these communities since most of the communities, prior to the implementation of this project, did not have any source of lighting apart from kerosene lanterns and candles.
With these solar systems, schoolchildren can now learn in the evenings while nurses and other health care providers, who previously did not want to live on the clinic’s premises due to the lack of electricity, will now be willing to stay to attend to night-time emergencies.
The fridges will also allow the clinics to store more vaccines and drugs that need to be refrigerated for longer periods.
As part of the project, the Bole office of IBIS Ghana also received 50 solar lanterns.
Eighty per cent of the funding for the project was provided by the Bofam Foundation, with a contribution of 20 per cent from IBIS Ghana.
DSTC Solar Training Centre has for many years, through its corporate social responsibility programmes, partnered both local and international donor agencies to provide similar solar installations for communities inGhana.
IBIS supports the democratic development in Ghana through two main programmes in Ghana.
Daily Graphic/Ghana