GFA Normalisation Committee hires financial consultant
The Ghana Football Association (GFA) Normalisation Committee has engaged the services of a financial consultant to serve at the chief financial officer for the football governing body.
According to a statement, the consultant will help restructure and strengthen the finance unit of the FA and also advise it on how to properly run the unit which was previously run by one manager and two accounting clerks without an internal audit unit.
At the inauguration of the Normalisation Committee in Accra on September 13, 2018, officials of FIFA indicated that the world body would engage an accounting firm to undertake a forensic audit of the accounts of the GFA.
According to the statement yesterday, FIFA has retained PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) to undertake the forensic audit of the FA.
It will also assist the Normalisation Committee in some key accounting areas, as well as help gather and prepare financial and other documents that auditing firm has requested for as it audits the FA’s books.