Former EPL star Pennant denies filming porn with wife
Sports News
2 minutes read
Jermaine Pennant has branded claims that he is a porn star as a “joke.”
Former Liverpool and Arsenal star Pennant is furious after the claims on the front of a national newspaper claiming that he took part in webcam sex sessions with his glamour model wife Alice Goodwin.
But Pennant has angrily hit back and is upset because of the impact it could have on his family life and promised to put the record straight in his forthcoming autobiography.
Pennant, 35, told Mirror Sport: “Calling me a porn star and putting it on the front page of their paper is just a joke.
“The problem is that some people will actually believe that I’m in the porn industry.
“I’ve not had a perfect life and my upcoming book ‘MENTAL’ will let the public read my checkered pass but I’m not and will never be a porn star, it’s laughable, I’m a married man living with my wife and step-daughter.
“In fact the major concern for me and Alice is the influence all of this has on family and friends.
"Our lawyers are dealing with the situation now, this kind of thing needs to stop, just because I’m seen as an easy target doesn’t give anyone the right to write stories like that.
“There will be lots of headlines when my book comes out in a few months time and I will happily take any stick that comes with that. I am a lot of things but not a porn star.”
Pennant had a colourful career on and off the pitch and his last club was non-league Billericay Town but it is understood that he actually left them two weeks ago, having last played for them last month.