Don’t experiment with local coaches - Nana Yaw Owusu
A former vice chairman of the Ghana Football Association (GFA), Nana Yaw Owusu Akwanuasah, has questioned why former Black Stars coach, Kwasi Appiah, was disengaged at a time the Ghana Football Association (GFA) owed him six months’ salary.
Describing the removal of Appiah and his replacement with Charles Kwabla Akonnor as a “rotation of Ghanaian coaches”, Nana Akwanuasah said that move was likely to create an unhealthy relationship among local coaches in particular, and the GFA in general, with a potential to undermine accelerated development of football in the country.
He noted that since the GFA owed Appiah prior to the expiration of his contract, the authorities should have extended the deal for sometime before replacing him with another local coach.
Rotation of coaches
“The abrogation of Kwasi Appiah’s contract and replacing him with C.K Akonnor was done in a hurry. The exercise should not be made to appear as if GFA is embarking on the rotation of Ghanaian coaches to handle the number one national team.
“This type of experiment will not work, hence the need to go in for the best to handle the national team at this period,” he lamented in an interview with Daily Graphic.
“If we want to go back to the glorious days of our national team when Ghana football was the envy of many countries at the international level, then we should do away with this type of experimentation,” he advised.
Salary arrears
Commenting on the salary arrears of Appiah, Nana Akwanuasah noted that “speculations that the GFA owes Appiah six months salary and unpaid bonuses prior to his removal was very unfortunate.”
“The FA should ensure that all obligations and commitment to Appiah are duly honoured because parting ways with him without paying his entitlements does not augur well for a healthy relationship, hence the need to do the honourable thing.”