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Ghana Man U. calls on Mr Danquah
Kwame Larweh
3 minutes read
The Ghana Chapter of the Manchester United Supporters Club (MUSC) last month appointed the acclaimed and experienced Sportprenuer to be its first patron of the club.
This visit was to acknowledge Mr. RexDanquah's acceptance of the role, and also to brief him on various developments with regards to the club's activities, prominently, their upcoming charity project. Mr RexDanquah encouraged every member to contribute their quota to this worthy cause.
The GhanaMUSC is collaborating with the Manchester United Foundation to reach out to support the Nectar Foundation, Somanya on 26th September 2020.
Mr. RexDanquah was impressed with the progress made so far with regards to preparations towards the forthcoming event and has pledged his support towards it. He also shared fascinating ideas with the EXCO members who were present at his office.
It is the goal of the patron to help the Ghana MUSC grow in numbers through its innovative activities across the country. He said, "I would like us to increase our local membership to at least ten thousand in the next 3 years. This will position our Club to qualify and attract Manchester United Icons and Legends to visit as well as support our activities in the country, and also engage with fans and communities. He believes that such a move will make the Club attract prominent corporate partners for future projects.
Mr. RexDanquah, a prominent influencer in Ghana's sport industry was the bids' architect for CAN 2008 & African Games 2023 and also the COO for the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) for the prestigious and memorable CAN 2008, which was hosted by Ghana. His works transcends the shores of Ghana into Sierra Leone and Liberia as well as the boundaries of the African continent. His love for Manchester United is undisputed and unwavering as he has been a fanatic for over fifty years.
The meeting considered strategies for growing the Club's membership, both official and unofficial; create and grow of regional chapters of the Club - setting conditions and guidelines for their setup; and grow the commercial aspect of the Club's businesses. This will include adopting authorized club merchandise like stickers and other memorabilia.
The Club will also strengthen its socio-economic activities, including support for recognised charities, organised games, sanitation, outreach to schools and local communities.
The Club will also organize Awards Dinner events to promote recognize and honour members and affiliate corporate bodies for their support for the Club's annual activities.
In the medium-term, the Club will work towards the hosting of a United Legend by December 2021 and the Club, itself for a tour in 2023.