Prof. Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang refutes claims of NDC's opposition to Free SHS Policy
Prof. Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang refutes claims of NDC's opposition to Free SHS Policy

Prof. Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang refutes claims of NDC's opposition to Free SHS Policy

Professor Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang, the running mate for the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has dismissed claims that the NDC is against the Free Senior High School (FSHS) policy.


She described these claims as lies and challenged those making such assertions to provide evidence. 

"Anybody who says the NDC is against Free SHS is a liar. I dare anyone to show proof that John Mahama will cancel Free SHS," she stated.

Prof. Opoku-Agyemang made these remarks during a visit to Old Tafo in the Abuakwa North Constituency of the Eastern Region on Wednesday, June 26, 2024. 

Her comments followed statements by Majority Leader Alexander Afenyo-Markin, who demanded that the Minority in parliament clarify their stance on the FSHS programme. Afenyo-Markin accused NDC legislators of failing to support the Free SHS Bill during a press conference in Parliament on Tuesday, June 25. 

"We have heard the ranking member on education, the honorable member for Akatsi North, strongly opposing the free SHS bill. Clearly, the minority does not want to commit to free SHS, and the fact that we want to enact a law to make it mandatory," Afenyo-Markin asserted.

He argued that provisions in the constitution regarding free SHS are aspirational and that enacting a law is necessary to regulate the policy, making it enforceable. He claimed that the NDC, through their ranking member on education, has opposed this move and urged them to explain their opposition to Ghanaians.

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has already given executive approval for the Free SHS Bill. Mr. Afenyo-Markin emphasized that while the constitution contains provisions for free education, these are not enforceable without a corresponding law. 

"Now, when it gets to the point where a government lifts it to give life to it, there is the need to enact a law to regulate the same. In doing so, it would have been given life to become justiciable to allow a court to rely on it to make orders, enforce certain rights, and take certain actions," Afenyo-Markin explained.

He expressed hope that the House would pass the bill, making the free SHS policy enforceable regardless of the government in power. Speaking in parliament last Friday, June 21, on the business statement for the ensuing week, the Effutu MP highlighted the importance of several bills, including the Free SHS Bill, which has received executive approval and is on its way to the House.

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