Persecution of political leadership is bane of underdevelopment - Prince Mba
The President of the Forum for Equity, a human rights organisation, Mr Prince Bagnaba Mba, has stated that Ghana’s underdevelopment can be attributed to the continuous persecution of leadership.
“The truth of the matter is that, Ghana has been blessed with the best human resources you can ever find on the surface of the earth. We have made giant strides since independence. The best of our political class and professionals have taken our economy from primitive property possession to a modern industrialising and digital aspiring nation. We have every reason to be proud of this country despite the few challenges,” he stated.
In an interview with the Ghana News Agency on the progress of the country since independence in Accra, Mr Mba said, “We are what we are today because of the good leadership of past and present governments.”
He said the switch from political freedom to economic buoyancy had become the task to accomplish and Ghanaians had come a long way although others felt the country could have done better.
He said Ghanaians “must learn to appreciate the performance of our leaders as some countries have over the years yearned for leaders like them.” - GNA