NPP don’t respect Ghanaians and have nothing to offer economy - Prof Akosa
(Updated) Renowned pathologist and politician Prof. Agyeman Badu Akosa, Wednesday took the New Patriotic Party to the cleaners for opting to stay out of the ongoing National Economic Forum.
That action, apart from characterizing the nature of the NPP, also flies in the face of patriotism, the Convention Peoples Party stalwart said.
Prof Akosa who spoke to Radio XYZ, said among other reasons, the NPP have no respect for Ghanaians other than themselves and the desire for votes to run the country, else they would have appreciated the plight of the Ghanaian and joined the search for solutions to grow the national economy.
Even then, he does not think that the NPP have any solutions to offer the economy or the forum hence their decision to stay away. After all when they managed the country, he said, they did not turn the economy around or diversified it from the Guggisberg Economy of drawers of water and hewers of wood that the 24 February 1966 coup that topple Nkrumah ushered the economy into.
According to Prof Akosa, it would serve Ghanaians better if the privileged spared a thought for the under-privileged, for many are the things we take for granted but which are very critical for the deprived.
He said for many a rural dweller, they have not as much as tasted treated water before, the same commodity that many in privileged situations use to flush their toilet. Besides many are the silent doers who support the national development efforts without as much as raise their voices to be noticed.
"What is all this bigmanship, over what? Over nothing, and sometimes it is important that they should be made to understand that really, they hold no answers, they hold no answers, but it is good that we all sit at the table and put two and two together ..."
{mp3}prof akosa _npp no patriots_economic_forum{/mp3}