Johnson Asiedu Nketiah
Johnson Asiedu Nketiah

NDC new national executive members sworn into office

Eleven new members of the national executive committee of the opposition National Democratic Congress have been sworn into office.


The swearing-in took place at the party’s headquarters on Wednesday, September 6, 2023.

The new members include Professor Joshua Alabi as Vice Chairman, Dr. Edward Omane Boamah, as Director of Elections and Edudzi Tamakloe as Director of Legal Affairs.

In an address, the NDC National Chairman, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah charged the new members to be up to the task.

“Comrades, you are rising up today as patrons and the work you are going to do is daunting, but we trust that you will be able to live up to the challenge. There is no way you can constitute a governing team that will represent everybody, and we know there are shortcomings in this composition, but we are appealing to our party’s rank and file that this is a call to duty and not an honour. Wherever you are, you can find a way to help achieve the same purpose whether you are sworn in today or not.”

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