NDC greets Muslims  on occasion of Eid–ul-Fitr

NDC greets Muslims on occasion of Eid–ul-Fitr

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has reiterated that it recognises the role of religion in promoting peace.


It has, therefore, given an assurance that the party will not renege on its commitment to collaborate with Muslims in preaching tolerance and peaceful coexistence as a means of enhancing the unity needed to deepen the country’s democracy which is an envy to Africa and other democratic countries across the globe.

A statement signed by Mr Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, the General Secretary of the NDC, congratulated and commended the Muslim Community on the special occasion of Eld-ul-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan.

According to the NDC, an exercise such as the Ramadan undoubtedly yields dividend for spiritual development of mankind.

“In fact, the NDC has always cherished the commitment, endurance, devotion and sacrifices with which Muslims approach the fast, an indication of selflessness and love for the things of Allah. We are strongly convinced that such selflessness and commitment have culminated in the peaceful coexistence among all faiths and the subsequent peace, stability and development in the country,” the statement added.

The celebration climaxes a month-long prayer and fasting for spiritual cleansing and upliftment in the Muslim faith.

“While wishing all Ghanaian pilgrims to the Holy land of Mecca a fulfilling pilgrimage and a safe journey back home, the NDC urges all Ghanaians not to relent in praying for transformation of governance towards the attainment of a Better Ghana,” the statement concluded.

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