Work on Twifo Praso hospital in advanced stage
A district hospital being constructed for the people of Twifo Praso in the Central Region is more than 75 per cent complete.
The project is expected to be handed over to the government by the end of the first quarter of 2019.
It will be a one-stop modern facility for healthcare delivery in that part of the Central Region, whose people have to travel all the way to Cape Coast to access health services.
When the Daily Graphic visited the site of the project last Wednesday, it was observed that work had progressed significantly because all the structures had gone past the roofing stage.
The team of engineers on site, made up of the Resident Engineer,
Artisans such as electricians, tilers, painters
Service pipes were being installed in structures that would serve as medical facilities, such as Physiotherapy, Radiology, Emergency, Casualty, Surgical Obstetrics and Gynaecology, as well as in-patient departments.
The facility, which is on a 102,000-metre square (M2) land, also hosts a two
Work has also reached an advanced stage on facilities such as a dining hall, a kitchen, a laundry and a mini market.
A unique feature of the project is that it contains a housing block comprising six bedrooms where lactating mothers can rest and attend to their babies.
The facility has made provision for an ambulance station to provide prompt services for patients.
To tackle the issue of power outages which most health facilities are confronted with, the project has made provision for two high-tech power plants that will be programmed to switch on automatically when the main source of electricity fails
"We will also provide
The Country Manager of
He explained that contract for the construction of the hospital was signed in May 2015 and work was expected to be completed within 18 months but was delayed because of some circumstances beyond the company’s control.
"The project delayed for about eight months when there was a change in the political administration because of issues relating to tax waivers, but after a perusal of the documents, the green light was given and we continued with the work," he explained.
He said the company had enjoyed maximum support from key stakeholders and opinion leaders in the Twifo Praso District
"The government has an agenda to move the country beyond aid and it is a healthy people who can work efficiently to achieve that target," he said.