What are you feeding your child?
It is every parent’s expectation that their newborn will grow well to their admiration and that of society. By growth, I mean weight gain. A tough baby gives an indication that all is well but that may not be the case.
We really should just ensure that our babies gain weight appropriately according to their growth curve. The success of this venture depends on the types of food given to them.
When inappropriate food is given to babies, they either grow too large or too small for their height and/or age. Giving them adult foods before six months will make them grow tough and obese.
This sets the stage for an obese adulthood. This also means that conditions are made favourable for obesity related diseases to thrive. This is obviously not a good gift to give to your child so feed them right.
Introducing adult foods too early in the wrong quantity can also make babies grow too lean or weigh too light and fall below the normal growth curve. It can also be an avenue for contaminations and infections.
From birth till six months of age, the World Health Organization recommends that babies are fed exclusively on breast milk and nothing else. Not even water must be given to them.
Breast milk is very well composed in terms of nutrients and other elements to help babies grow to their best possible potential. It is very accessible; all one has to do is put baby to the breast.
Breast milk is safe as well. It cannot be contaminated. It is securely ‘bottled” in the breast. Once the mother observes good personal hygiene, baby is safe in her hands.
Breast feeding is cheap. Breast milk substitutes or baby foods cost some good money. Once you decide to breast feed for the first six months, you make savings on these products.
Do not worry; there is more opportunity to buy baby food. That is when baby is six months and older. You will buy, buy and buy, especially if your baby has good appetite. So do not be in a hurry.
Maternity leave ends after three months, isn’t it? Yes, at this stage baby is still young and fragile. Ideally mummy must still be around and cater for them 24/7. This however will not be the case for the working mother.
Many mothers are however compelled to start mixed feeding at this stage. Mixed feeding is a term used to describe the practice whereby babies are given both breast milk and other foods during the exclusive breast feeding stage.
The options left for the working mother are limited to getting help from family members or sending baby to a day care centre (school) while they go to work.
Breast milk can be expressed by the mother and fed to baby while she is away. Expressed milk must be handled well to minimize chances of contamination.
First pumps and containers used must be washed and disinfected before and after use. Expressed milk can be stored in the refrigerator and warmed slightly before feeding baby.
Handlers of the expressed milk have to be up to the task. They should wash their own hands with soap under running water before feeding baby.
Mothers whose homes are not too far away from their workplace can take the breastfeeding break which lasts for an hour. During this break they may dash home and do some breastfeeding. Those who can afford can have their babies brought to them at the office during this break period.
Employers therefore should support this process. Create rooms where mothers can stay and breast feed. They should also allow these mothers to close a little earlier as mandated by the laws of the land. All these will make breast feeding more appealing to mothers. In the end the health of the child is well catered for.
After six months, complimentary feeding begins. Breastfeeding must continue till baby is two years old. Do not be in a hurry to stop it. Adult foods introduced to baby must be well composed.
Weanimix for example must be made with 80 per cent cereal and 20 per cent legume by weight. This means that for every four cups of a cereal like maize, add one cup of a legume like beans. This makes it have a good protein/ amino acid profile.
You do not have to add milk if this combination is right. There will be enough protein for the baby.
Other porridges are good for babies older than six months as well. They should neither be too thick nor too dilute. Baby milk should be added to improve protein content. It is not advisable to give babies under one year of age adult milk. Their kidneys cannot handle the sodium in adult milk favourably.
Those exclusively breast fed may find it very difficult to accept adult food at this stage. Mothers and other caregivers should just persist in their efforts.
Small frequent meals will do, even if they take just two teaspoons; be content. Just try later again. Their stomachs are very small so not so much food can be accommodated. This is also the reason why they should not be allowed to drink so much water while eating.
Let them have enough of the food before the water goes. This does not however mean that when they are choking on food, you should not give them water, please do.
Give them fruits. At this stage their preference for sugar sweetened beverages is very high. Too much of these beverages is bad. Some of them will become obese.
Blend natural fruits for them so they learn to choose these fruits over soft drinks. You can make them eat very soft fruits like banana and pawpaw in small quantities.
To be continued
The writer is a dietician at the Trust Hospital and author of "Eating to prevent and manage lifestyle diseases" and “Answers for your diet”. For copies call or WhatsApp 0244090262, Facebook: LETS Consult and email: letsconsult@gmail.com