Dentist's weird trick if your kid loses an adult tooth - but you need to be brave
You may actually be able to salvage the situation.
Kids will get themselves into all sorts of scrapes.
Cuts, bruises, sprains, lumps, bumps, stings - it's all part and parcel of them exploring their world and learning along the way.
For a lot of these, it's nothing a plaster, some disinfectant and a cuddle can't sort out.
However, there may come a time when your intrepid youngster does something to themselves that's not that easily "fixed".
Like getting an adult tooth knocked out.
Not a cute little milk tooth with an expiration date but one of those incisors, molars or canines which they're meant to hang to.
However, if your child does get an adult tooth knocked out, all may not be lost.
Dr Michael Chong, a paediatric dentist from Australia shared some advice with Kidspot .
"If the child is aged six and under and it is a baby tooth that was lost, do not to try to put it back in, but if it is an adult tooth, the best thing to do is rinse the tooth in milk if available, or water if not, then reposition it back in the mouth.
"If a parent or other confident adult can put the tooth back in the mouth straight away it can increase the chance of tooth survival significantly."
If you're brave enough to do this, then the next step is to ask your child to bite down on something soft, like a piece of a fabric.
A tea towel would be perfect in this instance.
In the meantime, you should seek urgent medical attention and be sure the tooth is either replaced in the mouth or stored in milk.
Good luck!