Exclusive ‘men clinic’ on Erectile Dysfunction opens in Kumasi
The Ashanti Regional Hospital (Kumasi South Hospital) will from August 1, 2018 open Ghana’s first all men health unit to handle all kinds of Erectile Dysfunction.
The facility named “Men’s Clinic” which would be operating on Wednesday afternoons at the Regional Hospital would be managed by specialists, and has been setup to manage and treat all kinds and forms of erectile dysfunction.
Dr Samuel Amanama, a sexologist at the Kumasi South Hospital, who announced this, said the motivation for establishing the centre was due to the rising incidents of erectile dysfunction in the region and the rest of the country, coupled with cases of divorce and other social challenges that come with such cases.
He attributed the rising cases and attendant social challenges to the fact that many people are not aware that all forms and kinds of erectile dysfunction are treatable, leaving many to resort to fruitless solutions.
Dr Amanama announced this in a presentation at the 4th edition of the annual retreat for medical superintendents in government hospitals in Ashanti at Ejisu.
The 3-day retreat brought together 25 medical superintendents from government health facilities in the region as well as other stakeholders in the health sector to discuss myriad of issues related to quality health care delivery in the country.
As part of the retreat, the medical superintendents embarked on a health outreach exercise at the Ejisu, Juaben and the Onwe government hospitals and managed various health conditions. They also conducted 15 major surgical operations.
Until date ED issues have been handled at the various health facilities by medical doctors, but the rising incidents have called for the establishment of the “men’s clinic’ for specialists to manage them.
Remote cause
The Sexologist Specialist attributed majority of the causes of the erectile dysfunction to cases relating to old age, diabetics, hypertension and some sickle cell conditions.
He said, even with such conditions when patients report to the hospital, they would be treated without much difficulty so they could continue enjoying their normal sex lives as well as reduce the social challenges that accompany such issues.
Dr Amanama lamented the inability of some men to approach health personnel for support on such issues but resort to taking all forms of drinks and concoctions, adding that most of them after taking such drinks come to the hospitals with more serious complications.
He was unhappy with the unregulated sale of herbal alcoholic preparations most of which he said add more health challenges to the people, adding that until such drinks are regulated, many more men would continue to suffer from EDs since they are deceived with adverts promising healing instead of looking for the right solutions in hospitals.