Curbing postpartum depression among mothers: The need for support from all
It is an amazing experience when you are delivered off a baby after nine months of carrying him or her or them in case of multiple pregnancies. However, sometimes after delivery, according to research, between 40 to 80 per cent of new mothers experience what is called baby blues.
Baby blues is an emotional state that causes a new mother to worry, to become unhappy, tearful or even experience extreme tiredness. This feeling is supposed to subside about two weeks after delivery. However, in cases where the strange feeling extends for more than that, new mothers are advised to seek immediate help.
The purpose of this write up is to encourage new mothers who experience such symptoms to seek help and also to campaign for the immediate families to offer their support.
Postpartum depression can set in when the feeling of sadness or fatigue becomes so severe that for example it prevents a new mum from taking care of herself and others. In such an instance, you are advised to seek the help of a counsellor or medical attention if need be.
It is important to note that whether you are diagnosed with depression before, during or after pregnancy, getting treatment is important. This state of depression comes as results of occurrences that happen before, during or after delivery.
Some of the symptoms are extreme sadness or hopelessness, excessive crying, loss of appetite or weight, worrying about baby, withdrawal from hobbies or even family and friends and many others.
Why should one seek help?
It is important to seek help because it can cause a new mother to be very lonely or worry excessively and can sometimes be very scary if the condition gets worse. Again, a new mother needs to be healthy in order to be able to breastfeed her new baby.
However, if she gets into such a state, it means she cannot take care of herself let alone the baby and the rest of the family if there are other children. It is advisable to seek the help of medical or healthcare provider, as well as the service of a counsellor if need be. This is important as a new mother must stay healthy and happy to facilitate a lasting bond with her bundle of joy.
Partners support
When new mothers are experiencing postpartum depression, the support of their husbands or partners is very crucial for their survival and quick recovery from such state. Especially in cases where there are other children or a child, partners should be able to take charge and support their wives and care for the kids until the new mother is able to do so.
It is equally important for the partners to reassure new mothers of their support and show them love and be very kind to them. It is not the time to be asking for favours from them but it is crucial to be there for them as much as you can.
Family support
The support of immediate families should never be down played. It is a good time for parents and other family members to come in and help new mothers if the need be. Equally, grandparents can especially support and take care of the other children to ease the pressure on the new mother.
It is important not to make new mothers experiencing depression feel they are incapable of taking care of themselves or their immediate dependents but to reassure them they need such support just to get along with the new addition and for the sake of their health.
In conclusion, new mothers should note the following: New mothers should learn to take things easy after child birth. You are encouraged to sleep when you get the opportunity and eat well as well. Your new baby’s survival largely depends on how well they are catered for and that is why mothers must do everything necessary to ensure they are healthy and well.
Second, new mothers should ask for support anytime they feel the need for it. This is the best time to involve immediate families and friends. There is no need to keep to yourself and suffer. Seek help medically as well when you feel you need such support. Do not hesitate to call on your doctors or midwives.
In addition, new mothers must feel free to share their feelings with trusted relations, partners or friends. Sometimes, it is in speaking about how you feel that others around can give you the right support you need. If the house chores is becoming overwhelming, if taking care of the new born is weighing you down or if you are getting headaches as a result of the sleepless nights, just share them so that you can get the right support before it becomes too late.
Finally, among many others try to engage in some outdoor activities such as walking with your baby, going to buy groceries or playing outside with your kids. These are very helpful activities that help release stress and bond you with your new baby and the other children if there are. Getting fresh air is also very good and needed during such times. Do well to pamper yourself such as getting your hair done and treating yourself.
— The writer writes for Womchild/Coupleclick & Fresh Oil Devotional Blogs