Woman destroys landlords property
A trader has been arraigned before the Amasaman District Court A for causing unlawful damage.
Diana Narh was said to have destroyed a wooden structure which did not belong to her.
She pleaded not guilty when she appeared before the court and was granted bail in the sum of GH 2,000, with a surety who must be within the jurisdiction of the court.
The facts of the case as presented to the court by Inspector Frank A. Ansah were that, the complainant in the case is Nana Kofi Akosah, a trader.
Inspector Ansah said Narh and her husband had rented a kiosk from Akosah, which served as their place of abode.
Akosah, after renting the place to them, promised to erect a new structure for Narh to use as a kitchen.
In August 2014, Akosah engaged the services of a carpenter to erect a structure for him.
According to the prosecutor, Narh reminded Akosah of his promise to build a kitchen for her but Akosah also made it clear to her that the structure was meant for a different purpose.
He said Narh threatened to destroy the structure if it was not given to her to be used as a kitchen.
Inspector Ansah said the following day, Akosah found out that the structure had been destroyed.
He lodged a complaint and Narh was arrested.
However, she denied the offence in her investigation caution statement.
She is to reappear in court on May 24, 2015.