Use legal means and civic engagement to ensure sustainable peace in Bawku area - NGO to govt
A Bolgatanga-based non-governmental organisation, RISE-Ghana, is urging the government to strictly apply the rule of law and also adopt civic engagement to ensure sustainable peace in the Bawku area.
The NGO also urged parties to the Bawku conflict to resort to the use of legal mechanisms and due process to exercise their rights rather than resorting to violent attacks.
In a statement issued on October 28, 2024, RISE-Ghana’s Executive Director, Alhaji Awal Ahmed Kariama, advised Bawku’s youth to be cautious of misinformation and avoid involvement in violent activities.
The NGO's statement the resurgence of violent conflict in the Bawku area which has reportedly claimed several some lives and also caused damages to people's property.
"We wish to urge citizens to resort to the use of civic means to express their grievances and seek redress," he stated.
He further urged politicians and state functionaries to avoid exploiting the situation, noting that if the issue is not properly handled, the conflict in the Bawku enclave will be difficult to solve.
"State institutions mandated with peace and security and the media should avoid statements and discussions that have a potential inflame passion, deepen the already volatile situation and undermine the legitimacy and trust of mandated state institutions and time-tested conflict resolution and mediation mechanisms," Alhaji Kariama stated.
For him, Ghana as sovereign state has a legal and moral obligation to protect, promote and fulfill the fundamental human rights of all its citizens including the right to survival and right to life."
He also urged the Ministry of Interior and the Upper East and North East REGSEC to immediately institute measures to prevent the recurrent road blockades which results in reprisals and loss of lives and property.