U/W: Eremong SHS shut down after students riot over entertainment rules
The Eremong Senior High Technical School in Lawra in the Upper West region has been shut down indefinitely following riots from students.
The riot occurred on Saturday night when the students opposed a directive from a teacher over entertainment rules.
The teacher is said to have told the students that their scheduled entertainment had been called off because most of the students were seen in unprescribed attire.
According to a Starr FM report, the students who were infuriated by the teacher’s dictate, besieged the administration block and destroyed properties belonging to the school.
The students reportedly attacked the Headmaster of the school and smashed his motorbike and physically assaulted the head teacher.
The students, however, claim that they became violent and decided to riot only after a friend of a teacher attacked and manhandled a student for dressing improperly.
The Police were called to maintain calm after which the school was shut down indefinitely.
The District Director of Education, according to the report, has set up a five member committee to probe the cause of the riots.