Tribute by Graphic Communications Group Limited
“Even at our birth, death does but stand aside a little. And every day he looks towards us and muses somewhat to himself whether that day or the next, he will draw nigh.
”These words of English playwright Robert Bolt sum up the uncertainty of when death strikes at its victims.
True to prediction, it struck when we least expected, and Mrs Lucy Addo is gone. As a company, Graphic Communications Group Ltd (GCGL), which she worked with, we feel a deep sense of loss sharing our memories of her.
Auntie Lucy, as we affectionately called her, joined the company in 2004 and in a relatively short period of 12 years when we have become so used to her good nature, we bid her farewell in a most heart-rending circumstance – death, not retirement.
Her demise hit us terribly hard and we grieve it. Yes, you can’t but feel this sense of sorrow we feel if you lose a worker of Lucy’s calibre.
She was truly hard-working and loved her job. Her manager confirms this in his comments of her after an end-of-year assessment:
“Ms Addo is a great performer whose contributions to the work of the unit are immeasurable. She is diligent and responsible and attaches seriousness to her work and responsibilities.”
And all of us in Graphic agree that this is a perfect description of who Auntie Lucy was as a worker. Indeed, in a company like ours where to rise to a higher position depends on performance, Lucy rose from post to post till she became the Deputy Head of Proofreading, her position till her untimely death.
But it was not all work for Lucy. She maintained good human relations with her colleagues. She was good-mannered, friendly, kind and patient, qualities that made her an inspiration to her colleagues.
Once again, her manager’s words after another appraisal bear testimony to her good nature:
“She conducts herself in a perfect manner and is an inspiration to all at the unit by her conduct.”
Lucy would never pass you without greeting you and if time permitted, sharing some laughter with you. Her broad smile was always the piece of her anybody took away after encountering her. If a colleague shared their problem with her, she would always make time to give them words of encouragement, citing the right verses of the Bible. She was a true expression of good-naturedness.
Graphic will miss Lucy greatly – forever. But even in our sorrow, we find consolation in the fact that we have an idea where she is, for Revelation 14:13 says:
“Then I heard a voice from heaven say “Write this: “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labour, for their deeds will follow them.”
Because Auntie Lucy devoted her whole being to serving the Creator during her life on earth, we know this assurance is for her. She is with the Lord and we hear her telling us to wipe our tears in the words of poet Injete Chisoni:
I am not gone
I remain here beside you
Just in a different form
Look for me in your heart
And there you will find me in our love which forever lives on
In those moments when you feel alone
Look for me in your thoughts
And there you will find mein sweet memories that burn strong
Every time a tear
Forms in your beautiful eyes
Look up to the heavens
And there you will see me
Smiling down from God’s glorious skies
We thank the Good Lord for blessing us with the life of Auntie Lucy. The clue we don’t have yet, is how to find a replacement of her kind.
Adios friend, adios colleague.