Show commitment to tax payment just like tithing - GRA tells faith based organisations
The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) has tasked leaders of Faith based organisation to propagate to its members, the essence of attaching the same commitment to the payment of tithes to that of the mandatory tax payment.
According the Kumasi Area Head, Agnes Akosua Boateng, there was an urgency in the payment of taxes, in view of the current global economic challenges most countries including Ghana were facing.
She stressed the need for a collaboration between GRA and religious bodies to ensure members fulfill both civic and religious duties.
“We are appealing to each and everyone to pay their taxes religiously just as we pay our tithes…, so that our country Ghana can get the required revenue to provide the needed amenities including the financing of the free SHS”, she added.
She further used some biblical quotations to buttress her assertions “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are Gods”.
Mrs Boateng was speaking at a tax education seminar organised by the GRA for faith-based organisation in Kumasi last week.
The participants at the seminar were from various faith-based organisations and selected businesses.
They were sensitised on the importance of encouraging their members to pay taxes and an insight on their rights, tax obligation and civic duty to the nation.
It also provided a platform for participants to interact with GRA as well as ask questions for clarifications on tax issues.
Low Tax Population
In her presentation, the Kumasi Area Head revealed that, available statistics, indicated the tax paying population in Ghana was very low, and for the country to become an economic giant in the African sub-region, it was imperative for GRA to widen the tax net to absorb many businesses.
Tax Obligation
A tax officer at GRA, Ibrahim Mohammed during a presentation on Rights and Obligation of Taxpayers educated the religious leaders on how to file their tax returns, processes to qualify for tax exemption, among others and most importantly, the commitment to the payment of taxes.
He explained that it was mandatory for every citizen to pay taxes and GRA as the mandated authority would continue to collaborate effectively with all stakeholders through series of educational forums to mobilise more revenues.
He encouraged people to always make enquiries, ask questions on how to access and understand the tax paying procedures since it was the responsibility of GRA to educate them.