School of Law supplementary exam August 17
The Independent Examination Committee (IEC) of the General Legal Council (GLC) will organise a supplementary entrance examination for admission to the Ghana School of Law (GSL) following alleged examination malpractices that occurred during the initial entrance examination on July 27, this year.
The supplementary examination is set to take place on August 17 and expected to last over 45 minutes. It will comprise a single question based on any subject: Law of Contract, Law of Tort, Criminal Law, Law of Immovable Property or Ghana Constitutional Law.
The question could also be on the Ghana Legal System and Methods, Equity and Succession, Company Law or Commercial Law.
In a communiqué dated August 1, 2018 and issued by the acting Executive Secretary of the IEC, the examination was meant only for candidates who sat for the last examination on July 27, 2018.
Index numbers
All registered applicants are expected to use their previously held examination index numbers to write the paper.
“Candidates are reminded that the decision of the GLC in respect of the published results of the entrance examination shall be final,” the statement read.
On July 31, 2018, a student group known as the Concerned Bachelor of Law (LLB) Holders, at a press conference, raised concerns over the alleged leakage of examination questions during the entrance exams into the GSL on July 27, 2018.
The group alleged that both the examination questions and marking schemes were circulated on social media platforms hours before the start of the examination.
Such a situation, according to the group, constituted a ‘grave miscarriage of justice’ because it gave advantage to candidates who had access to the leaked questions.
Members of the group also alleged that some of the invigilators on the day of the examination insisted that candidates wrote their names on the answer sheets used during the examination.
“Other invigilators also did not properly instruct and insist on the use of appropriate answer booklets for the compulsory question,” the group claimed.
Meanwhile, the group has lodged an official complaint (backed with evidence) with the Chief Justice and the Attorney General.