Savelugu Municipal Hospital to shut down for disinfection
The Savelugu Municipal Hospital in the Northern Region will partially shut down for a fumigation exercise that will take place today.
According to the Savelugu Municipal Director of Health Services, Ms Denisia Agong, the exercise had become necessary following suspected cases of COVID-19 in some of the wards in the facility.
She was quick, however, to add that the hospital was not going to shut down completely during the fumigation activity. She said the emergency and labour wards would be opened to attend to cases requiring serious attention and also for deliveries.
She described as untrue, a notice making rounds on social media platforms that the hospital was going to shut down completely for two weeks.
COVID-19 cases/advice
Ms Agong said as of last Friday, there were 58 COVID-19 cases recorded in the municipality, adding that the situation was not encouraging.
She has, under the circumstances, called on residents in the municipality to adhere strictly to the safety protocols on COVID-19, including the wearing of face masks, regular washing of hands with soap under running water to help curb the new wave of infections in the municipality.
Ms Agong said the municipal health directorate together with the municipal assembly had assigned the police to enforce public observance of the safety protocols.
The Superintendent of the Savelugu Municipal Hospital, Dr Sampson Abankwa, told the Daily Graphic that the hospital would shut down partially for 14 days and would liaise with the municipal assembly to get the place fumigated.
"We will link up with the municipal assembly to get the hospital fumigated," he said.
Public notice
Meanwhile, the Daily Graphic has sighted a notice on social media informing the public, particularly those living in and around Savelugu, that the Savelugu Hospital will be closed from today and reopened two weeks’ time following an upsurge in COVID-19 cases in the municipality.
It said the hospital shall render emergency services only, adding that the decision had become necessary to reduce staff-client interaction and pave way for the entire hospital to be disinfected to break the chain of disease transmission.
It said the general public was, however, entreated to remain calm and cooperate with the staff and management of the hospital as “we strive to provide you with quality healthcare services and ensure your safety.”
"You are once again reminded to take serious precautionary measures against COVID-19," the notice said.