Rev. Dr Tetteh calls for prayers for successful elections
The President of the Worldwide Miracle Outreach, Rev. Dr Lawrence Tetteh, has called on Ghanaians and religious groups to intensify prayers for a successful general election this year.
Such prayers, he said, should seek to ensure a peaceful and transparent election, as well as safeguard the prevailing peace and security in the country.
Rev. Dr Tetteh made the call in an interview with the Daily Graphic in Accra last Wednesday.
While commending politicians for expressing their sentiments towards a peaceful election, Dr Tetteh said there was the need for them to be mindful of their utterances and desist from acts that could undermine the sacrifices made by the founding fathers of the land.
“ Kings are enthroned by God, so apart from all political activities in the quest to win elections, political leaders must have faith in God as well,” he said.
Rev. Dr Tetteh said it was very crucial for political parties, leaders and the members of the public to note that the Bible said righteousness exalted a nation but sin was a reproach to a people.
“ The Bible says when righteousness rules a nation, the people rejoice…, and therefore, all seeking political power must first seek after righteousness,” he advised.
Put Ghana first
Rev. Dr Tetteh asked all those seeking elective positions to put the country’s interest above their personal or political party interests.
That, he said, would also help to safeguard the peace and security Ghana was currently enjoying.
He said it was in that regard a national crusade on the theme: “Put Ghana first,” had been fixed for March 9 to March 13, 2016, to promote a peaceful and transparent 2016 general election.
Ghana for Christ
“As part of the Put Ghana first” campaign, the Methodist Church is collaborating with the Lawrence Tetteh Ministries to organise another crusade dubbed: “Ghana for Christ” to pray for the country.”
Dr Tetteh called on all stakeholders, particularly members of the public, to come and unitedly pray for the peace of Ghana this election year.
He reminded the public, political leaders and all stakeholders that unless the Lord watched over Ghana, the watchmen watched but in vain.
“According to 2 Chronicles 7:14, God says “ If my people that are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, I will hear them from above and heal their lands,” he said.
Dr Tetteh called on the Clergy and all other religious leaders to use their platforms to promote peace and unity despite the various societal diversities.
He said all stakeholders, including the media, religious leaders and traditional leaders, had the responsibility to pray for a peaceful Ghana before, during and after the 2016 general election.