RE: What implementation strategy for the new curriculum, GES?
The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA) has taken note of a publication in the Monday, 17th June, 2019 edition of the Daily Graphic as well as Graphic.com.gh, on the new curriculum and its implementation strategy. In the article, the writer raises a number of issues that we believe require clarification for her benefit as well as for the general public, especially those who may also have similar concerns.
Firstly, the writer expresses some frustration at her inability to access copies of the new curriculum. While we appreciate her interest and sympathise with her difficulties, we can assure her that copies of the curriculum, as well as all necessary resources for the effective implementation have been uploaded to and are available on the Council’s website. These include the National Pre-tertiary Education Curriculum Framework (NPECF - http://nacca.gov.gh/?page_id=4031); 12 subjects of the curriculum (http://nacca.gov.gh/?page_id=9230#1555065276115-4e508ff1-efa2) and the training resources (teacher resource packs and the training guides - http://nacca.gov.gh/?page_id=9447). The writer, as well as members of the general public can access these documents on our website from wherever they may be at all hours of the day.
The writer also seems to believe that there has not been any engagement with the private sector, which provides significant percentage of education at the basic level. This, with the greatest respect, is incorrect. In fact, the leadership of private schools (Ghana National Council of Private Schools, Ghana National Association of Private Schools, Foundation for Education Research and Development and the West Africa Montessori Association) on 13th June engaged with the Council on how to prepare their teachers for the implementation of the new curriculum. Based on the engagement with the leadership of the private schools, they will develop their roadmap for implementation in consultation with their members. This would be shared with NaCCA for support in July 2019. The details of the meeting, including a statement released by the private sector education groups can be found here https://www.modernghana.com/news/939176/private-schools-agree-to-collaborate-with-education-ministry.html. It is possible that the writer may have missed this. We are confident however that the leadership of the industry body to which she belongs would soon apprise her of these details.
Again, we wish to assure the writer and the general public that there is in fact a well thought out roadmap in place for the successful implementation of the new curriculum in the 2019/20 academic year. As part of the roadmap which was developed by Ghana Education Service in collaboration with NaCCA, all the curriculum resources were simulated in a 3-day workshop by 34 subject experts in April this year. Following this, two national orientation workshops for 186 participants selected from the Ghana Education Service, Public Colleges of Education, Universities and other relevant institutions were held in May and June 2019.
Currently, orientation sessions for Regional and District level teachers and district education officers have begun across the country in Kumasi, Koforidua, Tamale, Cape Coast and Ho (June 17 to 21). In the coming weeks, the teacher orientations will continue for the second half of the Regional and District level teachers and district education officers in Takoradi, Accra, Sunyani and Tamale from June 24 to 28, 2019. At the end of these orientation sessions, almost 4000 teachers and district education officers will have received an intensive orientation on the new curriculum.
Cluster-based training for 152,000 kindergarten and primary school teachers and 1717 circuit supervisors will commence in July 2019. NaCCA’s goal, to which it is firmly committed, is to ensure that every teacher in the country has access to and training in the new curriculum before the commencement of the academic year in September.
We wish to assure the writer that NaCCA and its partner agencies under the leadership of the Ministry of Education will make absolutely sure that the curriculum reforms, to which it has dedicated much time, resources and energy, are properly and effectively implemented for the benefit of the children of Ghana, the nation itself and its future. We are also heartened by her interest in the reforms and look forward to engaging with her and other dedicated officials in the field of education to ensure the success that we all crave for.
Prince Hamid Armah, PhD
Executive Secretary (Ag.), NaCCA