Rawlings: Ghanaians love Americans, yes. Their soldiers here? No!
Former Ghana President Jerry John Rawlings has tweeted his opposition to arrangements to provide space in Ghana for the operations of American military personnel.
In a tweet he posted Wednesday, the ex-military leader said while Ghanaians may love Americans, it cannot be to the extent that they would accommodate foreign troops on a large scale.
Since news of an impending arrangement to host American soldiers in Ghana emerged Tuesday, sections of the Ghanaian public have been critical of government, more so when Defence Minister Dominic Nitiwul indicates that Cabinet has given the move its blessings and was seeking the approval of Parliament to give effect to the deal.
U.S. military base in Ghana? Defence Minister denies
A number of security analysts have said the move, if approved, portends bad news for the nation’s security as it would become a target for anti-America terrorists. The minority in parliament have similarly kicked against the agreement, calling for its immediate withdrawal from Parliament.
Read also: Withdraw US military base agreement – Minority
No military base in Ghana - US Embassy
— Jerry John Rawlings (@officeofJJR) March 21, 2018
Rawlings, in his tweet, said Ghanaians have had enough foreigners dominating their economic and social life and that adding foreign troops to the discomfort would be a bit too much.
“Ghanaians have felt stateless before in my lifetime. Let’s not go there again,” he says.