President Mahama, MCC CEO hold discussions
President John Mahama has held discussions with the Chief Executive of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), Ms Dana Hyde in New York.
The meeting which was attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ms Hanna S. Tetteh, was a follow-up to the signing of the new Ghana Compact in August, this year.
Ghana signed the compact with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) of the United States of America (USA), for the release of $498 million to support the country’s development initiatives, particularly in the energy and private sectors.
The first compact brought about significant infrastructure projects, including the N1 Highway in Accra.
The MCC is an innovative and independent US agency that is working to reduce global poverty through economic growth.
Created by the US Congress in January 2004, with strong bipartisan support, the MCC provides time-limited grants and assistance for countries that demonstrate a commitment to good governance, investments in people and economic freedom.